Two weeks ago, Wednesday, July 16th 2014, I was inaugurated by President Goodluck Jonathan into a 28 Member Committee for the Fund Support of Terrorism Victims.

The objective of this is to majorly work to provide succor and rehabilitation to Nigerian Victims and Families who have been adversely affected by any form of Insurgency or Terrorism activities.

The Committee comprises of exceptional Nigerians with impeccable integrity, led by General TY Danjuma – Chairman and Mr Fola Adeola -Vice Chairman. We are working to ensure that ours is different from all previous committees and our activities are as transparent as possible. I am the youngest member of the Committee and one of the only 2 Females therein too.

I consider this, Service to the ordinary People of Nigeria and an opportunity to extend myself, professional capacity, pedigree and networks to restore hope for some of our desolate fellow citizens.

I believe I can bank on  and learn from the support, advice, criticisms, ideas and prayers of my own constituency which is probably the most significant bloc of our Population – THE YOUTH. Do please see attached some Photos from the Inauguration at the Council Chambers of the Presidential Villa, Abuja.

The terms of Reference (ToR) of the Committee as follows:

      i.     To identify sources and ways of raising sustainable funding to support victims of Boko Haram terror activities;

     ii.     To develop appropriate strategies for the fund raising;

     iii.     To ascertain the persons, communities, facilities and economic assets affected by Boko Haram terror activities;

     iv.     To access and determine the appropriate support required in each case;

      v.     To manage, disburse and/or administer support to the victims as appropriate;

     vi.     To address related challenges as may be appropriate;

   vii.     To advise Government on other matters necessary or incidental to support victims of Boko Haram terror activities.


with President Jonathan


with other members of the committee of the Victims Support Fund


I look forward to reading from you. God Bless!!!