Dear Social Entrepreneur, you may bend, don’t break.
Know the times and seasons. Move with the ages and stages. Monitor the Trends but stay true to your convictions. You’ll be Ok. I speak with the Authority of Experience.

Dear Ideation Hub Africa, I receive this with gratitude.
In acknowledgement of the significant work of impact you do, I’m glad I drove through the labyrinth of roads last week Thursday while Lagos was sleeping still, through the Police Barricades and blocked Pathways to arrive Muson Center, Onikan, Lagos, Nigeria just in time to add my voice to the conversation on ways through women can sharpen and build healthy and succeesful women, children, men, societies and Nations.

I in turn put this image in Public domain in recognition of my family, my past and present team members at Rise Risenewtorks and , my Mentors who continue to help me strengthen my strengths until my weaknesses become irrelevant, our project partners and sponsors and naysayers who push us to work hard for our brightest successes.

To all of you my friends here on Social Media, I thank you for encouraging me on the days I flew and for not neglecting me on the days I failed. I’m still failing forward but where’s the glory in the story if we don’t fail first and RISE again with fortitude?

Social Impact/Good/Innovation/Entrepreneurship Work is the Work of God but I know that God’s work done in God’s Way will never lack God’s Supply.
