This is the quality of Leadership I’ll sign up for. The exact Kind of radical, courageous Leadership I’ll root for all day, everyday. Thieves in High Places who still want to be treated like demi gods. Stole our Past, Stole the Present yet you still want to steal the Future.
They have no Boundaries and No Go Areas. They’ll still from the dead, from the poor and from the downtrodden.
Zero Empathy and Human Kindness. Look how People are suffering in Cities and Communities in this Country.
Very Little Intelligence, Circumspection or Tact even while they steal and mismanage Public Funds – as if the rest of us their Country Men are Figure Heads and Effigies who should sit and watch them like Robots.
Not all Women in Public Service are Thieves afterall.
This Right here is the Standard of what Women who’re entrusted with Service to the People should be.