I’m honoured to have been invited by @budgitng as Speaker on “Exploring Fiscal Dimensions for Epidemic Preparedness and Social Protection” along with the Commissioner for Budget and Planning pf Lagos State, Mr Sam Egube, Mr Femi Awoyemi, Founder and Chairman of @proshareng and other outstanding Financial Policy Experts at the Public Presentation of the BudgIT State of States Reports supported by @gatesfoundation to present deep dives on State’s IGR growth, while focusing on fiscal sustainability as measured by the capacity of states to meet recurrent obligations and extended research into other thematic areas such as; export potentials of states and States’ health performance.
This event availed me the chance to share insights on our work in State and Local Government Accountability, Coordination and Reporting using Data and Design Thinking in our #VSFCOVID19Interventions and BudgIT Foundation the opportunity to share their latest research findings with policy formulators across all 36 states and to better understand various state governments’ strategic direction and performance toward fiscal sustainability and epidemic preparedness.
#AskQuestions #financialaccountability