Ladies and Gentlemen, HIM.
Obakorede Akanni Oko mi Aguntasolo is the Ultimate Chief Daddy.
My Sugar Daddy (if you know what I mean), O and E’s Daddy, Daddy to many who love him, Daddy of the Year and PTA Executive in our Children’s School, Daddy to so many Kids who wish he was theirs, Daddy to his Mentees & Proteges in the Workplace and Daddy in Church.
In Slide 3, you’re going to hear someone that sounds like me shouting “Waa sere Oko mi”, please just pretend you didn’t know that I’m a Super Hypewoman just as I was doing in Slide 1.
Happy Father’s Day Koko.
Your Love reflects in the eyes of our Children. They beam with Joy when you walk into the Room.
You don’t make us wish we’ve got a Great Dad. WE’VE TRULY GOT A GREAT ONE.
Toyosi Abeke and the Squad.