"Nigeria, an emerging Superpower currently enmeshed in a series of crises including Poverty, Inequality and Insecurity desperately needs authentic and audacious Leaders and Citizens. While others grumble about the rot, Toyosi Akerele-Ogunsiji offers practical solutions as WE HAVE TO BELONG at its finest, is a well thought out exposition which should be the go-to title for anyone who seeks to understand how Nigeria got to where she is today and how her people can sidestep the conundrums that have set their great nation back for decades."

Juliette Kayyem, National Security Analyst of CNN, Former Assistant Secretary for Intergovernmental Affairs in the United States Department of Homeland Security and Author of Security Mom.

Toyosi Akerele | Official Website

Juliette Kayyem, National Security Analyst of CNN, Former Assistant Secretary for Intergovernmental Affairs in the United States Department of Homeland Security and Author of Security Mom.

"Nigeria, an emerging Superpower currently enmeshed in a series of crises including Poverty, Inequality and Insecurity desperately needs authentic and audacious Leaders and Citizens. While others grumble about the rot, Toyosi Akerele-Ogunsiji offers practical solutions as WE HAVE TO BELONG at its finest, is a well thought out exposition which should be the go-to title for anyone who seeks to understand how Nigeria got to where she is today and how her people can sidestep the conundrums that have set their great nation back for decades."